Homestead Journal

Honoring Gervase Hittle

In the spring of 1971, Gervase Hittle, an English & French Literature Professor at the University of South Dakota met and became good friends with one of his graduate students, Dan O’Brien. 51 years later, their friendship remains. 
Homestead Journal

A Family's Experience & Testimonial

This past summer on their family vacation to western South Dakota, they booked a tour of the ranch. The day of their tour the temperature reached 110°. It didn’t curb their enthusiasm or charm. We received the following essays and video as a thank you. As you will read and see, they were an easy group to fall in love with. What a wonderful gift!
Homestead Journal

An American Thanksgiving

For sure there are many dishes that have become iconic American, and perhaps there is no meal that is more that then Thanksgiving, although not necessarily authentic from its origin.
Homestead Journal

A Labor of Love

Our in-house garden experts, Jilian and her husband Colton, are learning the ropes on growing food in a labor of love.
Homestead Journal

Our Name, Our Brand

We are delighted to introduce our new logo, and we also have a new website, with updated information and we hope, a more user-friendly shopping experience for you. 
Homestead Journal

Nature is Good Medicine

On Sunday evening I usually try to map out my week. This week was going to be a full one and would require committed planning. But, it doesn't take much to become uncommitted and have your regimented schedule tossed out the window. As a rancher and a small business owner, being flexible is a necessity.
Homestead Journal

The Newest Generation of Earthetarians

Our choices educate and influence the newest generation of Earthetarians - impacting the future of our world that they will inherit.
Homestead Journal


In the midst of the massive devastation from COVID-19 there have been a few silver linings. One of those silver linings has been an increased awareness of our food supply, particularly in concern with how meat is raised and slaughtered.
Homestead Journal

In "This" Lies an Opportunity

About ten years ago when I started helping Dan manage the ranch, one of the first things he taught me about buffalo, was that for every attempt failed, lies an opportunity. It’s a concept that I’ve embraced since that day.
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