Buffalo Pot Roast



  • Posted on by Patti Cole

    Made this roast for dinner yesterday – I don’t think there are enough words in the English language to begin to express how wonderful this turned out and what flavor! My mom used to make “pot roast” on Sundays during the colder winter months here in Michigan. This for me was a walk down memory lane and one we will be repeating often in our household. I had never tried this roast before and certainty glad I did this time…
    Thank You Jill for the recipe followed it to a “t”. This was flavorful, tender and everything one wants a hearty meal to be.

  • Posted on by Linda Clark

    I didn’t cook the vegetables with the meat as I would usually do but found the meat only took 4 hours at 225 degrees. Maybe my oven is hotter?? At any rate, the meat was delicious and tender. Less shrinkage than with a beef chuck roast, too—no doubt due to much less fat in bison vs feedlot beef. So good to know a meat that tastes so good is good for you and the animals and prairie they are raised on.

  • Posted on by Carolyn Siscoe

    Anyone have a recipe (cooking times) for a buffalo chuck roast to be cooked in a pressure cooker.? thanks in advance

  • Posted on by Todd

    Great tasting, tender meat, but veggies took forever to get soft. Needed to nuke them so we could eat. Next time, I will treat them like every other pot roast and toss them in much earlier.

  • Posted on by Brad Ebbesen

    I made this the other day and it really is the best pot roast I have ever eaten. The only thing different that I did was to use 4 cups of broth and a bottle of IPA to braise it in and I braised it for almost 9 hours before I added the veggies. This was because I started it at 6:00 AM before I went to work and let it braise while I was at work. To serve it I just used a fork to cut the portions. It was that tender. This is the only way I am going to make a pot roast from now on.
    Pictures are in Instagram under bebbesen1.

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