A Family's Experience & Testimonial


A few years ago, Bob & Ashley became Wild Idea Buffalo customers. Ashley and their children were meat eaters, but Bob, a marathon runner and overall athlete had been a vegetarian for a few years. He had started to feel rundown and his doctor suggested adding a healthy protein back to his diet. After a little research, they found us. They would test other companies too, but as Bob stated “it just wasn’t of the same quality as Wild Idea’s”. They soon became regular-monthly customers.

Wild idea Buffalo Customers

This past summer on their family vacation to western South Dakota, they booked a tour of the ranch. On the day of their tour, the temperature reached 110°. It didn’t curb their enthusiasm or charm. Over this Thanksgiving holiday, we received the following essays and video as a thank you. As you will read and see, they were an easy group to fall in love with. What a wonderful gift!

Letter to Wild IDea Buffalo Company
Letter to wild IDea Buffalo Company

And please, give yourself a smile and watch the 45 second video!

Thank you, Bob, Ashley, Samantha, Abby, Bobby & Meredith for your support, wonderful essays and video!


  • Posted on by Karinne and Mike Gordon

    What a heartwarming testimonial! Thank you for sharing :) And thank you for all you do as a company! We LOVE Wild Idea Buffalo!

  • Posted on by Joann Wainscott

    This beautiful tribute of their experience “walking among the herd” is so perfect. So well written! Expressed my feelings exactly! Many thanks to the family sharing their experience.

  • Posted on by Jay Acosta Da

    It’s amazing what a none corn fed animal (Buffalo 🦬) can do to your body and soul what an awesome video

  • Posted on by Kathy Day

    What a wonderful family!! THESE are the kids that will lead us in the future, smart, funny & insightful! Loved this!
    And of course, love the WIB ground that always fills our freezer!

  • Posted on by Melissa

    What a wonderful firsthand testimony for our future generations! Thank you for caring and sharing where your meat comes from and the impact on the prairie.

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