Prairie Flowers

"Flowers grow out of the darkest moments." - Corita Kent 

The winter of 2022-23 was a tough one on the Northern Plains. We were hit with three notable blizzards, temperatures in the minus 20s, and wind that made the world shudder. It came after four years of withering drought that gave me nightmares of The Grapes of Wrath. It seemed quite possible that another dust bowl was just around the corner.

We suffered some dark days. But the winter brought moisture and on Memorial Day we went for a walk to find that the resilient grassland ecosystem was fighting back. We found flowers and photographed them for you.

Biscuitroot Buds

Biscuitroot buds





Veiny Dock

Veiny Dock


Spring Parsley

Spring Parsley



Prairie Spiderwort


Tufted Evening Primrose

Tufted Evening Primrose


Thistle Buds

Thistle Buds


Sunflowers Waiting to Bloom

Sunflowers Waiting to Bloom





Scarlet Bee Blossom

Scarlet Bee Blossom


Yellow Salsify

Yellow Salsify


Missouri Foxtail Cactus Flower

Missouri Foxtail Cactus Flower


Scarlet Globemallow

Scarlet Globemallow


Prairie Spiderwort

Prairie Spiderwort


Prairie Onion

Prairie Onion





Prickly Pear Buds

Prickly Pear Buds

 "Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light." - Theodore Roethke

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  • Among the many reasons we support Wild Idea; thank you for your persistence,resilience, and appreciation of the environment you’re helping to restore
  • Wildflowers of the Great Plains are nature’s fireworks.

  • Resilience and faith…. It is what keeps the world spinning. Thank you for these beautiful examples of both!
    Robbie Etter
  • Thank you for sharing these beauties!!!! Nature shows us her resilient side in the spring.
    Mary Jo

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