By Gervase Hittle
This writing will likely not be the last one in the series I have called Ranching for Wildlife. Thus far I have mentioned mostly those items that are easily demonstrated and viewed: planting native grasses on former row crop acres, possibly not putting up hay during ground bird nesting season, building fence so as to allow antelope and mule deer to crawl under it, which is their preferred way to cross.
Let’s turn to the less obvious. Here are some of the small scale things we do. We float a board or a forked branch in the water tanks, during the summer. That gives birds a perch for drinking. We also put in some sort of ladder device that allows small animals that fall or jump in to be able to climb out if the water is low in the tank.
Regarding the birthing period of quadrupeds, both large and small, we try not to disturb them unduly if we happen to stumble upon them. That is, we back away and go around, leaving them a wide berth, which may interrupt us if we are on a mission, but it’s worth the effort and the delay. This same practice applies, for instance, if we find ourselves on a lek, a sharp tail grouse dancing ground. Rather than blaring on through and disrupting the dance, we stop, look, and listen. It’s good for the spirit. Then we quietly back away and go around.
Personally, I feel the same way about predators. Predators help keep explosive rodent populations in check. Predators never eliminate their food supply. There’s no percentage in that. Most critters need only a suitable habitat/environment and food supply. Left alone predator and prey achieve an equilibrium, a natural balance.
This thinking gives rise to a kind of mantra for me: healthy ecosystems and demographic populations maintain a flexible balance. Disturbances, such as efforts to increase one population at the expense of another serves primarily to shock the system and can be maintained only by force feeding the preferred population.
Ecology takes care of Demography. The Cheyenne River Buffalo Ranch does everything it can to support that balance and then we step back and enjoy the dance.
Well said Gervase!
I think that it would be pretty cool if more people could just take a moment in this speed of light paced world and appreciate even the smallest critter and most importantly, point this out to the youngsters. When that stuff gets regurgitated back to me on a hike or a hunt and they say “hey Dad, check this out!”, it warms my soul.
Aloha Gervase:
As a former college environmental science professor I totally understand and appreciate this practice of ranching for wildlife. The practice I really like is the floating a board on the stock tank thus giving birds a perch for getting to a water source. Your understanding of the predator-prey interaction is spot on as well. Most of such interactions result in strengthening of the prey species rather than decimating them.
Ecology takes care of Demography. I like it!
This just warms my heart. It doesn’t take much to help. All the critters matter. Thanks for all you do!
Semper fi, Marine—Jim
Love these random essays. Thank you.