Tomatoes are the STAR produce item in our garden, and oh how we love them! They are a true celebration of our gardening efforts, and plucking them off the vine and into your mouth is like eating a burst of sweet sunshine.
Grandson Lincoln has developed a taste for them too, and has quickly picked up our off the vine habits, popping his little mouth full until the juice is running down his chin. He is learning another lesson on “where food comes from”.

With a pretty good crop this year – that continues to produce, we have enjoyed them in a variety of ways. Here are some ideas that you might want to try too.
1) Wild Idea sirloin Steaks, grilled and sliced with heirloom tomatoes, drizzled with basil olive oil, balsamic syrup, a sprinkle of finishing salt and cracked pepper.
2) Invite guests out to the garden for a little off the vine forging. Bring a long a plate of fresh sliced mozzarella, drizzled with pesto and garnished with fresh basil leaves, for an in the garden, finger food Caprese Salad. *Napkins needed, as it’s a bit messy, but super fun!
3) The must make/have, BUFFALO BACON, Lettuce & Tomato Sandwich! Order your Buffalo Bacon before the tomato season is behind us!
4) Or, try my new recipe for Bloody Mary Steak Salad! Recipe can be found here:
Happy harvesting!