Buffalo Ox-Bone Soup

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  • Ed – I too use vinegar when making basic broth/stock. As mentioned above this is a Korean style of soup and followed their techniques. It is delicious.

    jill / Wild Idea Buffalo Co.
  • Two great mistakes in BB recipe….1. Temp should never be above 190 degrees as micronutrients are destroyed by hi temp. 2. Vinger should be added to help release desirable micronutrients. I use a nuwave convection heat soured and cook four 4& hrs.

  • This is a basic “rendering” method. The longer the meat is soaked in cold water, the more water is absorbed, it swells up, it will release more fat in the tissue to wash away, hence be more fat free. The boiling melts even more fat and cold water washing again makes the fat adhere to itself and rinse away leaving the rich meaty flavor!

    Roxanne Fox
  • ….and the more water soaked up, longer soaked in cold water, the easier the meat will release its tissue filled with fat!

    Roxanne Fox
  • I believe the boiling releases the fat from the meat tissue, then the cold water makes it adhere to itself again and wash away in the rinse, a basic way of “rendering” fat from meat while keeping the rich flavor intact.

    Roxanne Fox
  • Kerry: I didn’t understand this “Korean style”method either, but followed their technique and have never been displeased
    with the outcome. This broth is more gelatinous too.

    Grant: For this recipe I do not roast the bones first, it is a cleaner version of broth and roasting would intensify the richness. Delicious though!

    Jill O'Brien
  • While I understand the instructions I would like to know why all the rinsing and washing just so I can understand the reasoning behind the process.

    Kerry Montgomery
  • Roast bones at 350 for 30 min. Makes all the difference!

    Grant Johnson

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