Six weeks ago, I got a tip from Yvon Chouinard about a book. He said it was a must-read. He held the book up to the screen on our Zoom call, pointed to it, and smiled. He shook his head. “You got to read this book,” he said. “This guy’s thought of everything.”

Coming from Yvon Chouinard, a recommendation like that demands attention. I had never heard of the author but, to me, as it is too many of us at Wild Idea, Yvon’s opinion has always been important, often provocative and transformative. I have a lot to thank Yvon for. Now, to that list of thank-you’s, I add his recommendation of The Ministry for the Future.
The “guy,” that Yvon was talking about is Kim Stanley Robinson, and it is hard for me to believe that I’d never heard of him. I imagine that is because he is known for being a science fiction writer, and I read very little of that genre. Still, I’m ashamed to admit that this book has been around for over a year and I just got to it this spring. Robinson has been touted as perhaps the best-ever science fiction writer and, after reading the book, I tend to believe it.

Oddly, shortly after talking with Yvon, I got two more calls about The Ministry for the Future: one from an old friend in Washington D.C. who is familiar with many of the book’s themes, and one from my brother. I told them both that I couldn’t read about the coming apocalypse. I can see it through my windshield when I drive to town, I moaned. I don’t think I could stand the depression. “No,” my brother said. “There’s hope in this book.”
Both callers insisted that I read it, and both callers pointed to page 428 where Wild Idea Buffalo Company is briefly mentioned in a long list of businesses and organizations that are actually DOING SOMETHING about climate change and many other existential issues that loom in our future.

Being recognized for what we at Wild Idea have been working toward for decades was exhilarating but, page 428? How big is this book? “Well, it’s 576 pages but don’t be afraid. It’s worth it.”
The Ministry for the Future starts off with a scene that would be chilling if it weren’t about a record-breaking heat wave that hits India. Many, many people die, even those who wade into a lake up to their chins to escape the heat. In fact, only one person survives – an American aid worker named Frank May. It is not difficult to sympathize with Frank’s survivor’s guilt and PTSD, and we get to watch Frank deal with it through sparsely scattered episodes, interspersed with chapters describing an international ministry set up to safeguard the rights of future generations of life on our planet.

Mary Murphy is charged with running this new ministry and she and Frank are drawn together. This innocent romance is a sidebar to the environmental catastrophes that continue to occur and the political gyrations and terrorist responses to those catastrophes. With vivid imagery, Robinson walks us through the ecological disasters that many of us see coming. He delves into the financial and business communities’ culpability for these global disasters and is sure to have readers slapping their foreheads with revelations about the fate of ice caps, environmental refugees, and international bankers. We even get an insight into a possible use for digital currency and its relationship with carbon floating free in the atmosphere. The hopefulness that my brother promised me is in the resourcefulness of humanity to adapt – never mind that many of the things about Earth that I most enjoy will have to perish.
If you are like me and are frustrated listening to the news and the state of our world, you may need this book. If you don’t understand how, or why the earth is being slowly killed, you definitely need this book. It might get you pointed in the direction of helping to save it all.

The upshot is this: Global climate change is very real. It is happening and it’s going to continue to happen. It’s a no-shit existential threat and we are all going to suffer. But it is also an opportunity to hit the reset button on our relationship with Earth. We must never forget the provocative and transformative words of another man worth listening to: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, it is the one most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin.
I’m interested.
Count me in for the virtual book club discussion.
Book is on order and I very much would like to participate in the discussion next month. Thank You!
I’m reading it on my Kindle. Please include me in the book club discussion.
Sounds like a book we all need to read, sign me up…
Just checked out the book from the library. Sign me up.
This IS an amazing book! Truly a must-read for anyone aware of what’s happening on our planet and wondering if anything can yet be done about it. Terrifyingly real and upliftingly hopeful.
I’m in! Please send an invite.
I would like to participate in the July 12 event-sign me up
Brian Bindon
Parksville, BC Canada
Hi Dan,
Please sign me up for the virtual book club on July 12. Make sure Yvon is part of the book club too. I greatly admire what the both of you do with your businesses. Keep helping us learn and stay informed.
All the best and see you on the 12th,
Arthur Viens
North Sandwich, NH
Yes, please sign me up for Dan’s book club on July 12th. As always, we appreciate all you’re doing for the environment and buffalo.
Please include me in the discussion.
I’m in! Please send an invite.
I almost quit after that first chapter—all too real. But kept at it and did find it hopeful in the end. I would like to join the discussion.