"We’ve come to the conclusion that the best thing we can possibly do is support regenerative agriculture. I don’t know of anything else that can really solve global warming. Sure, we could try to stop using fossil fuels. Good luck with that. Good luck with going against Exxon and all those big energy companies. We’d end up spending a lot of money doing effectively nothing if we tried to take them on. Instead, what we’re learning about capturing carbon with agriculture is encouraging. See, with organic agriculture, you remove all the harmful chemicals, but that’s about it. With regenerative agriculture, you’re able to grow more nutritious, better-tasting food; you’re growing topsoil; and you’re capturing carbon—so it’s a way of farming that’s a win-win-win-win situation. I see it as a real positive solution. It’s our best hope."
Photo Credits: Jimmy Chin
It’s happening ! People, especially innovators, opinion leaders and anyone who is aware of health and environment issues are making inroads with the general public and beginning to expand awareness of health and longevity realities. Industrial agriculture although well entrenched is now on the cusp of being exposed for the destructive force it lays on humanity. Change is coming and it’s gaining momentum. Thank you to the O’Brien family and the growing number of dedicated souls who are leading. The inevitable nature of this turning will accelerate suddenly when government realizes they are broke and can no longer treat all the chronic illness caused by the Standard American Diet. We will eventually be forced to become responsible for our own health. Sad, but it seems few ever make real change “until it hurts more not to”. Thank you Dan and Jill for your foresight and contribution.
near the end of this interview, when Yvon talks of working on the causes of global warming and not just the symptoms of it, this was an “ah ha” moment for me. contrast this understanding with his rejection in fighting for a change with immovable political policy by a government that will “destroy the planet for profit”, instead he’s working to clean-up all the factors in his production line which contribute to global warming by working to offset carbon emissions upstream and down. the perfect plan in motion! reminds me of Wild Idea Buffalo for some reason.
now we understand this “green” implementation takes years for a company to “retool” for this beneficial outcome. B corporations “aspire to do no harm and benefit all”. again, the perfect model in action! the perfect blueprint! maybe capitalism can be retooled eventually.
thank you for presenting this matchless article for our education and utilizing these concepts for future discussions and everyday practices. as I recall, there is no Planet B.
and like the kids all say: you guys rock!
I agree. It’s up to individuals and corporations now….and there is some progress. The government for now has almost checked out. Good decision. Good work Yvon, Dan & Jill and all you work with! You are our heros and inspiration.
I have been in love with Wild Idea buffalo since I first read “Buffalo for the Brokenheart” in 2004…I budget my spending to choose to afford your premium meat because it’s healthier for both me and the planet. Now that I see Patagonia uses your meat for their Provisions line—well, I love you all even more!! Thanks for being the change and modeling the possibilities.