The Return of the American Bison


This past Friday, May 17thΒ was Endangered Species Day. For us and for all of our sourcing partners - every day is endangered species day as it is a key element of our shared ranching model; to promote and provide a healthy ecosystem for ALL creatures to not just live but thrive.

Collectively, by returning bison back to their homeland we are now positively impacting over 300,000 acres of prairie grasslands.

We are always interested in sharing our story and the greater story of the bison and their significance and impact in our past and present world. "The Return of the American Bison" is an important film on their natural and cultural history, as well as theΒ current state of conservation of the North American bison.

We are very proud to be part of this beautiful film - our founder, Dan O'Brien is featured and a majority ofΒ the buffalo/prairie footageΒ was filmedΒ on the Cheyenne River Ranch.

This filmΒ will take only 14 minutes of your time (although you might not want it to end), and will give you a better idea of where your buffalo meat comes from and the impact of its majestic return.

AΒ big thank you to Nebraska Educational Television for telling the story and for including us. And... a big thank you to all of you for supportingΒ ranchers whose main mission is conservation with an emphasis on supporting an intact ecosystem.

Enjoy the film!



  • Posted on by Chris and Kim

    Excellent video, beautiful footage and a priceless message. Thank you O’Brien’s for sharing!

  • Posted on by Mike OBrien

    Ultimately, If humans are going to live in harmony with the natural world, the first question we must ask ourselves is “How many people are going to live on the Earth?” This should be obvious, but obviously it is not. Therefore, if we are going to save ourselves we need to get to the central question from another direction. What is happening at Wild Idea (and other enlightened peoples and organizations) is suggesting that industrial farming is unsustainable and will eventually overwhelm the natural would. That idea is starting to get some traction and, if it were to truly take hold, the next step would be to show how many people the earth could be support if all of our food could be produced in a truly sustainable manor (like happens at Wild Idea). If we ever get to that point, I think people would be shocked to learn how few people could live on the earth in a truly balanced way. But there is a number, and we could accept it and move towards attaining that population level. In my opinion it is a long shot, but it is our only hope.

  • Posted on by Emil Stockton

    The lands adjacent to Yellowstone still are Bison free thanks to cattlemen of Montana and their political cronies. That is why Wild Idea products are the only meat I will eat. Cattle are a curse to the western lands and the use of our public lands for cheap cattle fodder is a curse on our public wild lands. Thanks to Dan, Jill and the Wild Idea folks for providing an alternative paradigm for grazing and meat production.

  • Posted on by Chuck Beatty

    Beautiful and full of hope. Thank you for leading the way.

  • Posted on by Pascal Chollet

    Merci beaucoup Γ  vous pour cette belle initiative et ce magnifique film.
    Je ne manque jamais de partager vos nouvelles avec mes amis ,en France.
    Nous sommes de vΓ©ritables gamins devant ces magnifiques animaux sauvages et reconnaissants de votre travail.
    Le rΓͺve amΓ©ricain c’est aussi Γ§a :retrouver une terre mΓ¨re originelle.

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