Videography 101


Aspiring videographer and spirited 6-year-old Eleanna shares her rave review along with mom and dad in this sweet testimonial on our Premium Ground Buffalo Bundles - give it a watch!


  • Posted on by jill

    Thank you Valerie family! In addition to adorable Eleanna’s aspiring videographer talents, she is also a pretty good little actress! Thank you again, we so appreciate you!

  • Posted on by Rebecca

    Oh my gosh sweet girl

    Thanks for sending that in dear Mama and Papa

    And thanks to Wild Idea for publishing for us on the site so we could enjoy

    Boost of positive energy we all need I’m sure

  • Posted on by Heather

    Spirited is right – love this! We too are a Ground Buffalo Bundle family – Wild Idea’s Ground is a must-have meat in our house!

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