On the Prairie
The Hidden Power Beneath Our Feet
Join Wild Idea on a journey to uncover the hidden power of healthy soil and its profound impact on our planet.
Prairie Flowers
The winter of 2022-23 was a tough one on the Northern Plains. We were hit with three notable blizzards, temperatures in the minus 20s, and wind that made the world shudder. It came after four years of withering drought that gave me nightmares of The Grapes of Wrath. It seemed quite possible that another dust bowl was just around the corner.
Bringing Back the Beavers
Wild Idea Buffalo Company is more than a meat company, first and foremost we are an environmental company. In addition to our commitment of improving our environment and our food supply, we also work on restoration projects that consider all species.
The Dirt on Gut & Soil Health
It can be hard to understand or care much about things we cannot see with the naked eye. That’s just human nature. It’s curious to note that, at the time of writing this, major news and culture outlets are awash with posts about gut health.
The Ingredients of Wild Idea Buffalo Meat
What’s in the meat you eat? We have no idea, unless you are buying it from us. Our ingredient list is real simple: Fresh water, native grass and pure sunshine.
Nature's Salad Bar
You’ve heard the adage “You are what you eat.” But what are you, if you don’t know what you eat eats? There’s been a lot of movement in human health toward returning to our “original” diets—that is, eating what we evolved to eat.
Eating Ethically to Save an Ecosystem
The ethics of eating meat is an ongoing discussion with many opinions based on partial scenarios.
A Mother's Day Parade 2022
Choosing photos of Buffalo Calves is a little like choosing photos of your grandchildren - it's hard to delete any! I hope you enjoy these photos of the prairie's newest arrivals, along with their sweet moms!
By the Dark of the Moon
There are almost no artificial lights on this ranch. We don’t find them comforting. In fact, we on the Cheyenne River Buffalo Ranch love the darkness of natural night and embrace it as an element of nature as essential as grass at our feet, wind in our faces, or the sound of coyotes from four directions. It is Dark Skies week around the world...
Spring Returns with Snow
Spring has arrived and with it well needed moisture in the form of snow! But... we'll take it! We hope you enjoy Jill's spring time, snow photo blog.
Our Climate Impact
Carbon sequestration plays a key role in environmental health. Wild Idea Buffalo Company and affiliated ranches are positively impacting over 300,000 acres of grasslands, which actively sequesters between 90,000 to 5,100,000 metric tons of carbon!
Diseases of Man & Beast
On the ranch, we are fortunate our lifestyle permits social distancing with ease. Camping trips on the river, fishing expeditions, and a trip to check on the herd can all be done without seeing another human. And for a moment, can create a sense of normalcy.