"Time-Out" In The Buffalo Herd
A couple of weeks ago we reminded you of the ingredients of our buffalo meat: Fresh Water, Native Grass, & Pure Sunshine. We thought you might enjoy seeing our buffalo in their natural world. Our herd roams over the prairie much like they did over a thousand years ago, regenerating the earth as they graze naturally.
Home For The Holidays
A few weeks ago, we moved the buffalo into the pasture that borders the Cheyenne River in preparation for moving them onto their winter pasture on the Buffalo Gap National Grasslands over Thanksgiving weekend. Each time we do this, I am reminded of the first epic event that took place 14 years ago.
The Dream Continues
When the Great Plains were young there were no humans to manage them. It was like one enormous ranch, managed on the single principal of natural selection. In those days the Great Plains changed so slowly that, for all practical purposes, they were in stasis - perpetually beautiful and wild.
The Art of Bison Persuasion
This past week I had the chance to ride along to bring in a bunch of buffalo from their winter grazing grounds on the Buffalo Gap National Grasslands. Dan and Colton had been bringing bunches in all week and we hoped this was the last group.
Prairie Morning Song
At Wild Idea Buffalo Company our main product is not healthy, grass-fed bison meat, but an improved environment prom...