Education by Bull Boat

At Wild Idea we do everything in our power to see that all the parts of the buffalo are put to good use. That’s why I was so interested in the telephone call I got from Doctor Craig Spencer, biology professor at Augustana University in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

A Mother's Day Parade

There wouldn't be a Mother's Day without babies and there are a lot of new babies at the ranch. Here are some snapshots of the latest regenerators of the prairie. Adorable, golden balls of fur, with faces that not only a mother could love, but anyone. Happy Mother's Day to all the nurturing mother's of the world!

How Buffalo Taught Me to be a Responsible Capitalist

I belong to the Baby Boomer Generation and if you are a Millennial, Gen-X, or Gen-Z person, I owe you an apology. My cohorts and I are the ones that didn’t adequately stand up to the forces of ignorance and greed that are killing everything that is wild.

The Art of Bison Persuasion

This past week I had the chance to ride along to bring in a bunch of buffalo from their winter grazing grounds on the Buffalo Gap National Grasslands. Dan and Colton had been bringing bunches in all week and we hoped this was the last group.

Wild Means Wild

In about a week we will start gathering the buffalo off the Buffalo Gap National Grasslands (their winter pasture) and bring them back across the Cheyenne River to their summer pasture. It will also be the first time that I have been among them since my accident, almost two months ago.

Predator-Friendly Prairie Landlords

Many people say they love nature, but as Dan often says, “people like nature when it doesn’t smell, poop, or bite”. For consumers who love nature and vote for nature with their mouths, and who look for companies like Wild Idea Buffalo Co. that offer a great meat by-product, through sustainable conservation, we have your back on all the elements of nature.

The Making of a Food Photo

A couple of months ago a friend had forwarded an article from one of his advertising buddies on food photography on to me. It included a video on the making of a McDonalds hamburger, which was about why the burger you buy doesn’t look like the one in the marketing photos. 

As One Travels...

As one travels the center of our country, the effort to conserve and restore the diversity and natural systems of the American Great Plains is evident.

Winter Grazing

It has been a full-blown winter here on the prairie. Since our first snowstorm in early December the snow has continued and the cold temperatures have remained persistent. 

We Live in a Land…

We live in a land of accidental monuments. Mostly they were erected in the beginning of the last century and were not intended to mark the passage of great events. 

Prairie Roots

This week my inbox was inundated by emails including a link to a Washington Post article enumerating the negative effects of converting North America’s grasslands to cropland. For me, there wasn’t much news in the article, as I’m in the final stages of publishing a book on the subject. Still, it is amazing to note that so few people know about a problem that threatens America at its very core.

Standing with Standing Rock

The Dakota Access Pipeline is just one of many pipelines coming out of the oil fields of western North Dakota. There are at least fifteen major pipelines across the Dakotas, so what is all the whoopla about? Why should we care about the standoff?
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